Happy 89th Birthday Harold! Remembering what’s important
As I was looking through various quotes from Harold’s writings by way of bringing not only his face, but his words to this 89th birthday remembrance, I came across a transcript from a 1981 interview of him. In it he was sharing his thoughts about handling difficult events in life. It seemed so relevant to this moment in history. Were he here now, I’m sure he would’ve cried at the pain and suffering on the one hand, and then sought to find meaning in the bigger picture on the other. And while I don’t think all these words would fit anymore (for example, I’m not sure he would’ve looked at this as a “friendly moment”), the basic message from his appreciative worldview remained absolutely consistent throughout his life. I miss him every day, and still find him anew in his words and his art. Thank you dear Harold! So so glad you were born and shared so much joy and wisdom during you sparkling life. Loving you always…
“…We want to understand what this event is telling us in the large scheme of it all. And to walk away with courage and not with cynicism…inevitably there is a time afterwards when we look back on these moments of crisis and trauma and we say: Whew! everything changed after that. I’d hate to go back before that…and we understand what’s important of that moment.