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About this photograph

Dignity and the human spirit - by Judith Thompson

I’ve had the pleasure in recent months to begin reviewing the many hours of audio-visual and written materials from Harold’s classes, lectures and personal journals. In fact, it’s been both exciting and daunting! So much great material of historic importance in terms of the era and time in photography, but also his approach to teaching,… Continue reading

Ripple effects: Subject, student and teacher remember a moment in time - by Judith Thompson

“Back in the 70’s I used to model for Harold’s classes.He took a beautiful picture of me which he called Lady in the Lake. It is in his book Harold Feinstein: A Retrospective.Would love to meet you.” Thus read the email I received a month ago from Susan Auslander who was 20 at the time… Continue reading

“What’s a selfie?” and other thoughts about self-portraits - by Judith Thompson

In 2014 when Lumiere in Atlanta was exhibiting View from the Street: The work of Vivian Maier and Harold Feinstein we were simultaneously editing contact sheets with an eye toward remaining images to be printed in limited editions. We had the help of some curators and dealers in the process. A few of the self-portraits… Continue reading

You can’t take Brooklyn out of the boy: Remembering the summer of ’49 - by Harold Feinstein

I’m not sure who came up with the expression: You can take the boy out of Brooklyn, but you can’t take Brooklyn out of the boy. but it’s one I often use. My wife cringes whenever she here’s me say this since I’m generally about to make some excuse for some old habit that is… Continue reading

The gift that keeps on giving: The Coney Island boardwalk - by Harold Feinstein

I’ve never heard of a Cannes Lion before. I guess its the equivalent of an Oscar in the world of creative communications. According to Ergin Binyildiz, the chief creative officer for Havas Worldwide‘s Turkish office, “Cannes is the peak of creative competition, and any success recognized there is a success recognized by the whole world.”… Continue reading

Available light: Many shades of white - by Harold Feinstein

It’s mid-winter now and I figure it’s best to consider the season through the eyes of appreciation or risk succumbing to the winter blues (or acting on impulse and flying off to the tropics, which seems like a great, but impossible, alternative!) Looking outside my window, I see a carpet of white and realize that… Continue reading

Veteran’s Day, the U.S. Postal Service and me - by Harold Feinstein

I love art for the people! In a recent blog, I shared how Turkey’s Radyo Acik requested the use of my photograph Coney Island Boardwalk Montage (1950) to brand their Music of the People campaign. I’m happy about that and look forward to receiving one of their posters in the mail! But perhaps the ultimate… Continue reading

Coney Island sheet music — of and for the people! - by Harold Feinstein

Sometimes the stars just seem to line up! I created this photo montage over six decades ago and have always loved it! The first version of it (below) was published in The New York Times in 1952 courtesy of my good friend, Jacob Deschin, the photo writer at the time. Then about a month ago… Continue reading

W. Eugene Smith and me at Helen Gee’s Limelight Gallery, 1957 - by Harold Feinstein

Not a week goes by that I don’t think of W. Eugene Smith with a real sense of nostalgia. He was one of the most important people in my life, and a man who I truly loved. Just last week I was saying to Judith that I ought to do a blog about Gene and… Continue reading

Coney Island’s Parachute Jump - by Harold Feinstein

What’s 262 feet high, known as the “Eiffel Tower of Brooklyn”, and about to be so brightly lit up that it will be seen from space? If you’re from Brooklyn, then the answer came right away, but for those of you not blessed with that distinction, the photograph says it all. Built in 1939 for… Continue reading